304 Stainless Simbi Sheet uye Coil

304 Stainless Simbi Sheet uye Coil

304 Stainless Steel Grads:
Cemical composition: c: ≤0.08, Si: Si: ≤1.0 Mn:

Zvichienzaniswa ne304L

304L ndeyekushora kwakapesana uye kune kabhoni shoma.

304 inoshandiswa zvakanyanya uye ine yakanaka kupesana, kupisa kupesana, kupisa kwakadzika uye michina manhamba; it has good hot processing properties such as stamping and bending, and no heat treatment hardening phenomenon (non-magnetic, use temperature -196°C~800°C).
Mushure mekusunungurwa kana kushushikana kwekuzorora, 304l kupokana kwakanyanya kuyananisa kutonga; Zvinogona zvakare kuchengetedza yakanaka kurwisa kusagadzikana pasina kurapwa kwekushisa, uye tembiricha inoshanda isingagumi isingaiti -196 ° C-800 ° C.
Mamiriro ekutanga
According to the manufacturing method, it is divided into hot rolling and cold rolling, and according to the organizational characteristics of the steel type, it is divided into 5 categories: austenite, austenite-ferrite, ferrite, martensite, precipitation hardening. It is required to withstand the corrosion of various acids such as oxalic acid, sulfuric acid-ferrous sulfate, nitric acid, nitric acid-hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid-copper sulfate, phosphoric acid, formic acid, acetic acid, etc. It is widely Inoshandiswa mumaindasitiri akadai seindasitiri yemakemikari, chikafu, permaking, peturu simba, pamwe nezvikamu zvakasiyana zvekuvaka, midziyo yekicheni, tabens, tablecles, nemidziyo yemimba.
The surface of stainless steel plate is smooth, with high plasticity, toughness and mechanical strength, and is resistant to corrosion by acids, alkaline gases, solutions and other media. Icho chibu chisimbi chisiri nyore kune ngura, asi hachisi chose ngura-isina.

In order to ensure that the mechanical properties of various stainless steel plates such as yield strength, tensile strength, elongation and hardness meet the requirements, the steel plates must undergo annealing, solution treatment, aging treatment and other heat treatments before delivery. 05.10 Special Symbols
The corrosion resistance of stainless steel mainly depends on its alloy composition (chromium, nickel, titanium, silicon, aluminum, etc.) and internal organizational structure, and the main role is played by chromium. Chromium has high chemical stability and can form a passivation film on the steel surface to isolate the metal from the outside world, protect the steel plate from oxidation, and increase the corrosion resistance of the steel plate. Mushure mekunge firimu rePassivation rakakuvadzwa, kupesana kwekormon kunoderera.
National Standard Properties
Tensile Simba (MPA) 520
YEBELD Simba (MPA) 205-210
Kugutsikana (%) 40%
Hardness HB187 HRB90 HV200

304 Simbi isina simba ine simba rakanakisa risina simba rekupokana uye rakanaka rekudyidzana kupesana kupokana.
For oxidizing acid, the experiment shows that: in nitric acid below the boiling temperature with a concentration of ≤65%, 304 stainless steel has strong corrosion resistance. Iyo zvakare ine yakanyanya kurwisa kupokana kuAlkaline mhinduro uye zvakanyanya organic uye isorganic acids.


Kutumira Nguva: Jan-21-2025